CYBER.XPO.95 (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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█████ Cyber.Xpo.95 Trade Show CD-ROM
█████ Sampler of Arsenal Files 3 - Arsenal Computer 1-800-9CD-SALE
█████ Religious & Spiritual
9501BBB.ZIP 66272 12-26-94 Bible Believers' Bulletin January, 1995
ANECDOT2.ZIP 44289 12-25-94 Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, II (U Chit Ti
ANECDOTE.ZIP 46843 12-25-94 The Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin (U Chit Ti
BIBLFAQ1.ZIP 12456 01-03-95 Bible Study FAQ from the Internet
BIBLFAQ2.ZIP 13050 01-03-95 Bible Software FAQ from the Internet
BOOKNEWS.ZIP 7780 10-21-94 Dharma Book Transcription Project Bulletin
BUDDHO.ZIP 21120 11-24-94 Buddho, by Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi. A
| meditation master of the Thai forest
| tradition offers instructions on using the
| meditation word "Buddho".
BURMAMED.ZIP 14176 12-25-94 Buddhist Meditation in Burma (Nottingham)
DHARMA.ZIP 42645 10-02-94 DharmaNET INFO, FAQ, Application, etc...
DSTL1994.ZIP 29263 01-02-95 Dharma Seed Tape Library Mail Order
| Catalogue -- Basic Catalogue 1994. Audio and
| video tapes of talks by teachers at IMS,
| IMW, and BCBS.
ELEMENTS.ZIP 11349 12-25-94 Meditation on the Elements (Sayagyi U Chit Ti
ESSAY_26.ZIP 8785 12-22-94 Association with the Wise, by Bhikkhu Bodhi
| (Buddhist Publication Society Newsletter
| Cover Essay, No. 26, 1st Mailing 1994)
ESSAY_27.ZIP 9655 12-22-94 Dhamma & Non-duality (Part I), by Bhikkhu
| Bodhi (Buddhist Publication Society
| Newsletter Cover Essay, No. 27, 2nd Mailing
| 1994)
FAITH_IN.ZIP 78580 12-28-94 Faith in Mind: A Guide to Ch'an Practice, by
| Master Sheng-Yen
GOODFRND.ZIP 16762 12-25-94 The Good Friend (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
GUARDIAN.ZIP 10433 12-19-94 Two Guardians of the World (Sayagyi U Chit Ti
IMC-1104.ZIP 10668 09-29-94 Vipassana Newsletter v11n4 (IMC)
IMC-1201.ZIP 10966 12-28-94 Vipassana Newsletter v12n1 (IMC-UK)
IMP-107A.ZIP 9551 11-11-94 "Evolution Is Religion, Not Science" by
| Henry M. Morris. The religious nature of
| evolution as expressed by leading
| evolutionists and the scientific
| irrelevance of evolution. Institute for
| Creation Research _Impact_ article #107,
| May 1982. Produced & distributed by GenNet
| in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-184A.ZIP 9136 10-24-94 "The Meaning of "Day" in Genesis" by James
| Stambaugh. Examination of how the word
| "day" is used in Genesis and throughout the
| Bible. Concludes day means 24-hour period
| in Genesis 1. Institute for Creation
| Research _Impact_ article #184, October
| 1988. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
| co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-188A.ZIP 19092 10-24-94 "The Mystery of the Earth's Magnetic Field"
| by Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. Review of
| creationist research on the decay of the
| earth's magnetic field and bearing on the
| Genesis flood. Institute for Creation
| Research _Impact_ article #188, February
| 1989. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
| co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-209A.ZIP 9535 11-11-94 "Evolution and the Wages of Sin" by John D.
| Morris. A look at death, sin, evolution,
| and the Bible. How different, and
| compatible, are they? Institute for
| Creation Research _Impact_ article #209,
| November 1990. Produced & distributed by
| GenNet in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-220A.ZIP 9451 11-11-94 "Columbus and His Creator" by Paul G.
| Humber. Christopher Columbus's views about
| the Creator and motivation for finding the
| New World. Institute for Creation Research
| _Impact_ article #209, November 1990.
| Produced & distributed by GenNet in
| co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-221A.ZIP 9625 11-11-94 "The Bible, Creation, and Ecology" by Henry
| M. Morris. The Biblical basis for a
| Christian approach to ecology. Also
| critiques environmentalism and pantheism.
| Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
| article #221, November 1991. Produced &
| distributed by GenNet in co-operation with
| I.C.R.
IMP-249A.ZIP 10368 10-19-94 "Darwin's Teaching of Women's Inferiority"
| by Dr. Jerry Bergman. Examination of
| Darwin's evolutionarily based view of
| women's inferiority. Institute for
| Creation Research _Impact_ article #249,
| March 1994. Produced & distributed by
| GenNet in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-251A.ZIP 10078 10-19-94 "Star Formation and Genesis 1" by James
| Stambaugh. Examination of Genesis 1:14-19 an
| Dr. Hugh Ross' interpretation of these verses
| and the formation of stars. Institute for
| Creation Research _Impact_ article #250, May
| 1994. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
| co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-252A.ZIP 8795 10-20-94 "Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology" by
| Frank Lorey. Using Bristlecone pine
| tree-rings to date creation and Noah's
| flood. Institute for Creation Research
| _Impact_ article #252, June 1994. Produced
| & distributed by GenNet in co-operation
| with I.C.R. (Note: two illustrations not
| included with this file.)
IMP-253A.ZIP 8736 10-20-94 "Geocentricity and Creation" by Gerald E.
| Aardsma. Review of geocentricity,
| heliocentricity, and Bible. Concludes
| geocentricity is not taught in the Bible.
| Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
| article #253, July 1994. Produced &
| distributed by GenNet in co-operation with
| I.C.R.
IMP-254A.ZIP 44087 10-21-94 "Out of Whose Womb Came the Ice?" by Larry
| Vardiman. An examination of ice core data,
| temperature changes, & precipitation in
| support of a world-wide flood & only one
| Ice Age. Computer stimulations also
| presented. Includes 2 .PCX files (1 B&W, 1
| color) figures. Institute for Creation
| Research _Impact_ article #254, August
| 1994. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
| co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-255A.ZIP 32852 10-21-94 "A Practical Model for Integrating Science
| and Faith" by Stephen W. Deckard. How to
| integrate Science with Faith...and become a
| better scientist! Includes two .PCX files
| of figures. Institute for Creation Research
| _Impact_ article #255, September 1994.
| Produced & distributed by GenNet in
| co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-256A.ZIP 45329 10-24-94 "Gravity" by Don. B. DeYoung, Ph.D.
| Overview of the nature of gravity and its
| relation to the Bible. Includes 3 .PCX
| files of illustrations and table. Institute
| for Creation Research _Impact_ article
| #256, October 1994. Produced & distributed
| by GenNet in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-257A.ZIP 10421 11-10-94 "The New State Religion: Atheism" by Jerry
| Bergman. Examination of the atheist views
| of several prominent evolutionist and their
| efforts to negate the influence of
| religion. Institute for Creation Research
| _Impact_ article #257, November 1994.
| Produced & distributed by GenNet in
| co-operation with I.C.R.
INWARD.ZIP 32825 09-09-94 Looking Inward: Observations on the Art of
| Meditation, by K. Khao-suan-luang.
| Translated from the Thai by Thanissaro
| Bhikkhu.
LEEAUTO.ZIP 156828 09-19-94 The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee (Ajaan
| Lee Dhammadaro). Translated from the Thai by
| Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
MS411_12.ZIP 119445 11-26-94 Morning Star Magazine for Nov-Dec 1994
MSDR1091.ZIP 31100 01-05-95 Morning Star Christian Magazine reader files
MSDR110.ZIP 56725 01-05-95 BBS door program to allow callers to read
| Morning star on line
MSTAR410.ZIP 130840 10-13-94 Morning Star '94 - The Return of Jesus Christ
| (Revelation)
MSTAR501.ZIP 86417 01-02-95 Missions and missionaries for January 1995
NIBBANA.ZIP 11333 12-25-94 Concerning Nibbana-Dhatu (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
ORIGINAT.ZIP 15319 12-25-94 Dependent Origination (Hammalawa Saddhatissa)
PARAMI-1.ZIP 54997 09-29-94 The Perfection of Generosity (IMC-UK)
PARAMI-5.ZIP 12923 12-28-94 The Perfection of Effort (IMC-UK)
PARAMI-6.ZIP 12775 09-29-94 The Perfection of Patience (IMC-UK)
PATHSTEP.ZIP 19727 11-28-94 Steps Along the Path, by Phra Ajaan Thate
| Desaransi. Step-by-step instructions for
| the development of insight.
PENGLIST.ZIP 9696 12-20-94 A Compilation of Buddhism Resources (Hsuan Pe
RETREATS.ZIP 34096 10-02-94 Buddhist Meditation Retreats & Events (1994)
SCHEDULE.ZIP 56982 11-19-94 Schedules of Meditation Retreats, Classes &
| Events (rev 11/94)
SITGROUP.ZIP 29291 01-15-95 Directory of Sitting/Practice Groups
| -- USA - rev. 1/15/95 (John Bullitt, ed)
SPUR_041.ZIP 24727 09-25-94 SPURGEON (0.41) An easy way to read C.H. Spur
TEACHERS.ZIP 12725 12-19-94 Practising What We Preach (Sayagyi U Chit Tin
TIB-0994.ZIP 53055 10-21-94 Tibetan Bulletin (September/October 1994)
TIB-1194.ZIP 55538 12-25-94 Tibetan Bulletin (November/December 1994)
TIRATANA.ZIP 46537 10-07-94 What is the Triple Gem? by Ajaan Lee
| Dhammadharo, translated from the Thai by
| Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff).
WHEEL006.ZIP 22001 10-22-94 The Four Sublime States: Contemplations on
| Love, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and
| Equanimity, by Nyanaponika Thera. (Buddhist
| Publication Society "Wheel" Publication
| No. 6).
WHEEL102.ZIP 35274 10-14-94 Buddhist Reflections on Death, by V.F.
| Gunaratna (Buddhist Publication Society
| "Wheel" Publication No. 102/103)
WHEEL241.ZIP 48112 10-19-94 The Worn-Out Skin: Reflections on the Uraga
| Sutta, by Nyanaponika Thera. (Buddhist
| Publication Society "Wheel" Publication No.
| 241/242).
WHEEL377.ZIP 50327 10-20-94 The Discourse on Right View: The
| Sammaditthi Sutta and its Commentary.
| Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu
| Nanamoli; edited and revised by Bhikkhu
| Bodhi. (Buddhist Publication Society
| "Wheel" Publication No. 377/379).
WHEEL386.ZIP 28326 10-20-94 The Edicts of King Asoka: An English
| Rendering by Ven. S. Dhammika (Buddhist
| Publication Society "Wheel" Publication No.
| 386/387).
WHEEL390.ZIP 33989 09-19-94 The Lion's Roar: Two Discourses of the
| Buddha. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu
| Nanamoli; edited and revised by Bhikkhu
| Bodhi. (Buddhist Publication Society "Wheel"
| Publication No. 390/391).
WHEEL392.ZIP 51639 11-21-94 Violence and Disruption in Society: A Study
| of the Early Buddhist Texts, by Elizabeth J.
| Harris (Buddhist Publication Society "Wheel"
| Publication No. 392/393)
WTN-0894.ZIP 249224 10-01-94 World Tibet Network News - August 1994
WTN-0994.ZIP 242947 10-03-94 World Tibet Network News - September 1994
WTN-1094.ZIP 304423 12-01-94 World Tibet Network News - October 1994
WTN-1194.ZIP 328624 12-24-94 World Tibet Network News - November 1994